( by Bill Blevins )
I have a primary tab in my Google Sheet with a list of "Trees" and "Shrubs" and details of each in the rows.
I'd like to add a second tab that only displays the rows from the primary tab showing "trees" and then add a third tab to do the same for "Shrubs"
What is the formula to use on the second and third tabs?
Have a look at the following screenshots:
Sheet "All":
Sheet "Trees":
In the above sheet I have the following formula in Cell A1:
=query(ALL!A:J;"select * where D = 'Tree' ";1)
Or you can also try the following formula in Cell A2, after putting the column headers in first row:
Sheet "Shrubs":
In the above sheet I have the following formula in Cell A1:
=query(ALL!A:J;"select * where D = 'Shrub' ";1)
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Very nice. Thanks!!