
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Google Spreadsheet Vlookup with Arrayformula


( by Kévin Dhondt )

Hello !
I am stuck with a problem. I will try to explain ...
I would like to compare the number in Sheet1!A1 with a table in Sheet2 (columnA). If the number in Sheet1!A1 is found in Sheet2 (for example Sheet2!A6), I would like the number contained in Sheet2!B6 to be copied in Sheet1!B1. Then I would like to do the same for all cells of Sheet1 Column A.
I tried with dget function, it works well for the first row but not for the other.

Is it possible and how ?
Thanks a lot for your help !


Have a look at the following screenshot of "Sheet2":

Have a look at the following screenshot of "Sheet1":

In the above sheet I have the following formula in Cell B1:

In the above formula change "Sheet2" to the name of the sheet in which you have the data.

I hope the above solution will help you, and if you need more help then please do comment below on this blog itself, I will try to help you out.

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