
Friday, September 15, 2017

Convert ##m ##s formatted text to a number in seconds



I'm hoping to find some way to convert this data into numbers so I can use those numbers for other formulas. I have checked the reporting system of the program I am pulling this info from and I have no choice but to pull this data in this format.

Here's the raw data:

NameResponse TimeDuration
Agent A1m 58s19m 27s
Agent B1m 3s18m 7s
Agent C49s16m 27s

and I would like to automatically convert it to this format:

NameResponse TimeDuration
Agent A118.001167
Agent B63.001087
Agent C49.00987
Can someone suggest a formula to do this? I have attempted to change the cells from "Automatic" to "Duration" or "Number", and nothing actually converts the numbers at all.


If you have following data in Sheet1:

Then you can try the following formula in cell B2 of "Sheet2":


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Google Sheet Script to Navigate various HTML Pages

Here is the Google Sheet Script to Navigate various HTML Pages by passing the needed data via URL parameter.


Following is the code for "":

function doGet(e) {
  var htmlPage,count; ? htmlPage="index" : htmlPage =;
  e.parameter.count==null ? count=0 : count = e.parameter.count;
  var html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile(htmlPage);
  html.counter = count;
  var htmlx = html.evaluate();
  return htmlx;

function getScriptUrl() {
  var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();  
  return url;

Following is the code for "index.html":

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <?var url = getScriptUrl();?>
    Hello I'm Index!
      <a href='<?=url?>?page=apple&count=<?!= ((counter*1)+1) ?>'>
        <input name="apple" id="apple" type="button" value="Apple Page"></a>
      <a href='<?=url?>?page=google&count=<?!= ((counter*1)+1) ?>'>
      <input name="google" id="google" type="button" value="Google Page"></a>
      You have clicked
    <input type="text" id="label" name="label" value="<?!= (counter*1) ?>" readonly="readonly"

Following is the code for "apple.html":

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <?var url = getScriptUrl();?>
    Hello I am Apple!
      <a href='<?=url?>?page=index&count=<?!= ((counter*1)+1) ?>'>
        <input name="index" id="index" type="button" value="Index Page"></a>
      <a href='<?=url?>?page=google&count=<?!= ((counter*1)+1) ?>'>
      <input name="google" id="google" type="button" value="Google Page"></a>
      You have clicked
    <input type="text" id="label" name="label" value="<?!= (counter*1) ?>" readonly="readonly"

Following is the code for "google.html":

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <?var url = getScriptUrl();?>
    Hello I am Google!
      <a href='<?=url?>?page=apple&count=<?!= ((counter*1)+1) ?>'>
        <input name="apple" id="apple" type="button" value="Apple Page"></a>
      <a href='<?=url?>?page=index&count=<?!= ((counter*1)+1) ?>'>
      <input name="index" id="index" type="button" value="Index Page"></a>
      You have clicked
    <input type="text" id="label" name="label" value="<?!= (counter*1) ?>" readonly="readonly"

Monday, July 3, 2017

Google Sheet Script for border style


I have columns and rows: D69:J79 filled with data, data in rows is changing on daily basis, one day it’s D69:J79, another it’s shorter D69:J77 or D69:J75 etc, rows below are blanks accordingly, columns stay the same.

I want script to make regular square line border around this data, but with one rule - bottom line of square should be right below latest row with data. And left and right borders lenght should be fitted to rows with data only as well.

I am total noob in scripts, could somebody help me with proper script for this?
And i hope this script can be set to autorun, so i don’t have to run it each time.

Or maybe there is some other solution more simple :)


Try the following script code:


function fillBorders() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var s = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
  var r = s.getRange("D69:J79");
  var v = r.getValues();
  var firstRow = r.getRow();
  var lastRow = r.getLastRow();
  var lastFilledRow = lastRow;
  for(var i=v.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
    var isRowBlank = true;
    for(var j=0;j<v[0].length;j++) {
      if(v[i][j]!="") {
        isRowBlank = false;
        lastFilledRow = firstRow + i;


in the above script code, change the sheet name "Sheet1" as per your need.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Google Sheet Script to extract URL from a Cell containing function HYPERLINK

In Google Sheet, if you have a cell or a range containing functions HYPERLINK and if you want to extract URL(s) from it then you can do it with the help of following script:


function extractURL() {
  var activeRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
  var activeSheet = activeRange.getSheet();
  var formula = activeRange.getFormula();
  if(formula=="") return "";
  var rangeA1Notation = formula.match(/\((.*)\)/).pop();
  var range = activeSheet.getRange(rangeA1Notation);
  var f = range.getFormulas();
  var v = range.getValues();
  for(var i=0;i<f.length;i++) {
    for(var j=0;j<f[0].length;j++) {
      if(f[i][j]=="") v[i][j]="";
      var matchURL = f[i][j].match(/\"(.*?)\"/);
      if(matchURL==null) v[i][j]="";
      else v[i][j]=matchURL.pop();
  return v;


copy the above script code in the script editor of your spreadsheet and then use custom function "=extractURL(A2:A10)" to extract the URLs from the range "A2:A10"


Monday, February 20, 2017

Google Script to auto delete old files from a Google Drive Folder

If you are creating auto backup of any file in Google Drive using script ( either daily or on any edits ), so the number of back up file keeps on increasing. Now, if you want to delete the excessive files, for example if you want to delete all the files except the last 100 back up files, then you can achieve it by using the following script code:


function deleteOldSheets() {
  var df = DriveApp.getFolderById("xxx_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID_xxx");
  var arr = new Array();
  var files = df.getFiles();
  while( files.hasNext() ) {
    var f =;
    arr.push( [ [ f.getId() ] , [ f.getLastUpdated() ] ] );
  arr.sort( sortFunction );
  for( var i=100 ; i<arr.length ; i++ )
    DriveApp.getFileById( arr[i][0] ).setTrashed( true );

function sortFunction( a , b ) {
  var aDate = new Date(a[1]);
  var bDate = new Date(b[1]);
  if ( aDate === bDate ) return 0;
  else if ( aDate < bDate ) return 1;
  else return -1;


The above script code will help you to delete the back up files ( from a Google Drive folder ) which are excessive and not required anymore, the script will move these files to "Trash".

And if you want to automatically run the above script daily, then in the script editor you can set the trigger for it.

NOTE: In the above script you'll need to replace the Google Drive folder Id.