
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Calculating working hours and payable amount per employee per month


( by vetobrian )

Please help!! I've created a form in google docs spreadsheets for employees to enter information into a daily time sheet record that is visible to administrative staff only once entered. The names entered into the form will not be fixed (we've got independent contractors across CA) but since the information will be recorded daily the spreadsheet will have multiple entries by any given employee per day for every calendar month. 

What I need to do is the following:

Match entries on "Sheet 4" Column A with the same names in column, total the number of hours & pay that are corresponding in Columns B & C, and re-list in 4 new Columns. All corresponding to each other, one by Name (representing only one name entry per month in new column #1), by dates (dates for one month all included in one cell & new row/cell for another month in new column #2, total hours calculated per month (in new column #3, and total pay calculated per month (in new column #4).


New Col #1.....New Column #2.....New Column #3.......New Column #4
Tom Hanks......9/2,9/3, 9,10,.......20hrs....................$300
Tom Hanks......8/1, 8/4. 8/30,......40hrs....................$600
Collin Hanks....9/4, 9/6, 9/30,.......100hrs..................$1,000
R.Williams.......6/4, 6/5, 6,15,.......25hrs....................$400
R.Williams.......9/1, 9/15, 9/21,.....80hrs....................$2,500


Following is the screenshot of the Sheet named 'Form Response':

Now make a new Sheet 'SolutionSheet' in which you want to display the results:
Here is the screenshot of 'SolutionSheet':

To get the results as shown in the above screenshot, put the following formulas as in Cells mentioned below:

Put the following formula in Cell A2 of SolutionSheet:
=UNIQUE('Form Response'!B2:B)

Put the following formula in Cell B2 of SolutionSheet:
=concatenate(query('Form Response'!B2:C;"select C,', ' where B='" & A2 &"' label ', ' ', ' ";1))

Put the following formula in Cell C2 of SolutionSheet:
=sum(query('Form Response'!B2:I;"select I where B='" & A2 &"'";0))

Put the following formula in Cell D2 of SolutionSheet:
=sum(query('Form Response'!B2:J;"select I*J where B='" & A2 &"' label I*J ''";0))

I hope the above solution will help you, and if you need more help then please do comment below on this blog itself, I will try to help you out.

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